Benutzer: Gast

Wörterbuch (en): Air space / Rear ventilation / Moisture balance / Humidity compensation

  1. Air space / Rear ventilation / Moisture balance / Humidity compensation
  2. outer shell / weather protection
  3. thermal insulation
  4. Inner support shell
de: Hinterlüftung (f) / Feuchtigkeitsausgleich (m)
fr: Aération arrière (f) / Ventilation arrière (f) / Équilibre hydrique (m) / Compensation de la humidité
it: Aerazione / Aggiustamento di umidità / Ventilazione posteriore / Equilibrio di umidità
es: Ventilación trasera (f) / Ventilación posterior (f) / Equilibrio de humedad (m)

An interspace is created between the inner, load-bearing wall layer and the decorative, second outer layer of the wall. The rear ventilation removes the humidity resulting from the vapour diffusion through openings between the layers or in the outer layer.