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Wörterbuch (en): Lightweight concrete / Light concrete / Aerated concrete / Gas concrete

  1. Lightweight concrete / Light concrete / Aerated concrete / Gas concrete
de: Leichtbeton (m) / Ärmedämmbeton (m) / Dämmbeton (m) / Isolationsbeton (m)
fr: Béton léger (m) / Béton cellulaire (m) / Béton allégé (m)
it: Calcestruzzo leggero
es: Hormigón ligero (m) / Hormigón aligerado (m)
pt: Betão celular (m) / Concreto leve (m)

A type of concrete that is particularly lightweight due to air pockets. The air pockets can be achieved by aggregates such as pumice, expanded clay, expanded shale, fly ash or lava slag. Because of the air pockets, lightweight concrete has a higher thermal insulation capacity than normal concrete.